Licence Training
The Sussex Bat Group receives a lot of requests from people who want to train for a bat licence. It is very heartening to know that so many people want to become involved with bat conservation. Unfortunately we can only train about four people at any one time (the licence trainers also work on a voluntary basis). At present, there is quite a long waiting list. Priority is given to Bat Group members who have a proven track record of assisting with voluntary Group activities such as bat walks, helping at events, rescues etc.
If you are interested in training for a licence:
Come to our winter talks and take part in Group surveys.
Sign up for the National Bat Monitoring Programme - most of these surveys need little or no experience.
Volunteer to become a bat rescuer - contact our bat hospitals for more details.
Most trainees will receive an education and conservation licence at the end of their training. This means that they can undertake Natural England roost visits. This type of licence does not allow you to undertake commercial work, i.e. apply for European Protected Species (EPS) licences. If you are a consultant we would strongly recommend that you do one of the Bat Conservation Trust's training courses.