
Bats need friends – you can help by joining the Sussex Bat Group

Whether you'd like to become more actively involved with helping bats in Sussex, or would simply like to be kept informed of our work through the newsletter, we would welcome your membership.

Membership runs from 1st December each year and costs just £6 for a digital version. You will receive; regular updates about the group, opportunities to attend talks, walks and other events, discount at Bat Conservation Trust events and a bi-annual copy of our newsletter, The Belfry. 

If you would like to join, please complete the membership form, found here: Membership Form

Payment can be made using our Donate button at the top of the page - we ask that you please provide your name as a reference.

If you would like to receive a copy of the minutes from our AGM or any other meetings then please contact Jessica Lewis our membership secretary at

General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice

The new Data Protection legislation comes into force on 25 th May 2018, and introduces new requirements for how organizations process personal data. In order to comply with this legislation, as members of the Sussex Bat Group you need to be aware of the following: