Bat Records
The conservation of bats, as with all species, relies on knowledge of where they exist. Bat records are collated and managed by the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre on behalf of the Sussex Bat Group.
The database includes all the Group’s data which totals over 10,000 records and goes back decades. The database includes National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP) records, Natural England roost visitor records and various surveys done by academics and private individuals.
The records are included in the Sussex Bat Inventory – a report produced by the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre. This is available to anyone who wants to find out whether bats have been recorded at a particular site in Sussex. For further information, see the Record Centre’s website.
Submitting your records
Sign up for the National Bat Monitoring Program 2023 - Survey Season Now Live.
Working as an Ecologist?
We are asking people who are actively recording bats, particularly ecological consultants working in Sussex, to fill in a recording spreadsheet over the course of a year. The spreadsheet can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of the page.
Please email your spreadsheet to the Record Centre: The records are verified by a committee of experienced bat workers within the group.
At first glance, the spreadsheet may look complicated, but it isn't. Please take a few moments to read the instructions contained in the spreadsheet.
What you do need to record:
Any surveys you have done yourself
Commercial work i.e. ecological consultancy
Rescued, grounded and injured bats
What you don't need to record:
Natural England roost visits (we will get this info direct from Natural England)
NBMP surveys (we will get this direct from the Bat Conservation Trust)
If you are less experienced in bat recording and have bats in your property, or have seen bats leaving a roost, please email with the details. Your email will need to include the date bats were last seen and the roost location (either a postcode or preferebly a grid reference).
Many thanks.